Only, he's not like any other Marvel villain we've seen before. Jordan) comes in as the film's central villain. This is where Erik "Killmonger" Stevens (an absolutely fantastic Michael B.

Notwithstanding, T'Challa's harshly stern stance on isolationism make him somewhat blind to the struggles and challenges of African descendants, particularly the children of those who were taken as slaves and Westernized. At the same time, we're continuously shown a fledgling king surrounded by other advising him on the positive effect his reign could produce, such as his childhood crush Nakia (Lupita Nyong'o) and his sister Shuri (Letitia Wright). T'Challa (Chadwick Boseman), on the cusp of his coronation, candidly expresses anxieties of his country's involvement in global affairs because he justifiably fears the price of exposing his nation's valuable resources considerably outweigh the benefits. Basically, Wakanda's success and prosperity are due to them actively being a hidden secret to the world, thus remaining impervious to the influences of Western civilization and culture. It's a beautiful land unaffected by the devasting ravages of colonialism and capitalist greed, a country surrounded by gorgeous natural beauty enjoying the most advanced technological discoveries. Simpson), Coogler ( Fruitvale Station, Creed) depicts the fictional African nation of Wakanda as an isolated, unspoiled and pristine utopia. Working with co-writer Joe Robert Cole ( The People v. Coogler confronts issues of globalization, colonization, the unfortunate lasting legacy of America's history with slavery and, most notably, black identity in the 21st Century. Making it the best, unrivaled and significant installment of the entire series, Ryan Coogler's film is, quite frankly, a work of genius, redressing the gross misrepresentation of minorities in the superhero genre and speaking directly to the heart of that community. However, Black Panther stands proudly as unique and distinct from the rest of the franchise because it fully and openly embraces the sociopolitical issues informing the plot.

Iron Man 3 and the two Captain America sequels, Winter Soldier and Civil War, are arguably unambiguous about certain contemporary anxieties while Thor: Ragnarok very subtly touches on topics about imperialism and refugees. Seventeen films into the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), it should come as no surprise a few of those franchise entries have tackled important topical, sociopolitical concerns, even if rather vaguely. MILD SPOILER WARNING - please skip this portion of the review if you want to remain 100% spoiler-free.